04 October 2009



I am your narrator, your presenter, your alpha... No, I shall not attempt to quote a work I am no master of. I am the storyteller, I am not a protagonist, antagonist, flat or dynamic. My words are the words of the story, and I plan to project only little bias into this work.

I cannot be reasoned with, I cannot be challenged, my word is law. Every event is as I, and I alone, say it. Reality follows my will. But I am not the writer, no, the writer is not I. I am just the storyteller.

My tales may make no sense, they may contain overarching plots, they may not. It is my choice to decide. I will try to keep them entertaining, but I make no promises that the translation from thought to word will make anything I witness consistent, true, or entertaining, I am just the storyteller.

I answer to nothing, I don't exist. I am just the storyteller.

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